The Department of Planning and Natural Resources announces that pursuant to Virgin Islands Rules and Regulations, Title 12, Chapter 21, Section 904-9 meetings of the St. Croix Committee of the Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management Commission have been scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. This meeting will be held via the video conferencing platform Zoom.Items on the agenda include a Decision Meeting for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0017-24-Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority Convenience Centers- Estate Concordia/Cotton Valley/Mon Bijou. VIWMA is proposing to create three (3) convenience centers for St. Croix Residents. The residential convenience centers will create convenient, safe disposal sites for solid waste and recycling.
The proposed convenience centers will help reduce environmental burdens directly affecting the neighboring communities through improper dumping and household waste disposal. The location for each project: -Parcel 73-C Concordia, Estate Concordia, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands - Parcel 57 Cotton Valley and Parcel 1 Cotton Valley, Estate Cotton Valley, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands -10 VICORP Land, Estate Colquohoun/Mon Bijou/VICORP, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
The following information should be used to participate in the meeting:
Meeting ID : 885 8371 8775
Passcode: 192522
Jean-Pierre L. Oriol
The Department of Planning and Natural Resources announces that pursuant to Virgin Islands Rules and Regulations, Title 12, Chapter 21, Section 904-9 meetings of the St. Croix Committee of the Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management Commission have been scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. This meeting will be held via the video conferencing platform Microsoft Teams.
Items on the agenda include the Public Hearing for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0017-24-Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority- Convenience Centers- Estate Concordia/Cotton Valley/Mon Bijou.
VIWMA is proposing to create three (3) convenience centers for St. Croix Residents. The residential convenience centers will create convenient, safe disposal sites for solid waste and recycling. The proposed convenience centers will help reduce environmental burdens directly affecting the neighboring communities through improper dumping and household waste disposal.
The location for each project:
-Parcel 73-C Concordia, Estate Concordia, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
- Parcel 57 Cotton Valley and Parcel 1 Cotton Valley, Estate Cotton Valley, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
-10 VICORP Land, Estate Colquohoun/Mon Bijou/VICORP, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
The following information should be used to participate in the meeting:
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 268 855 270 958
Passcode: ck26Eh
Jean-Pierre L. Oriol
St. Croix (340) 712-4962
St. Thomas (340)715-9100
St. John (340)774-2141